世界共担福祸,环球同此凉热,此刻,云南广播电视台携陈奕迅、蔡依林及两岸多地的“云制作”团队,推出原创英文抗疫公益MV《Fight as ONE》(《共同体的战斗》),致敬疫情防控全球阻击战中无畏守护生命的所有人! 让我们秉持人类命运共同体理念,守望相助、休戚与共、携手抗疫...
It's really not that bad if you think about it For once the world has come together Could've been much worse you think about it At least we're not fighting one another There must be hope when we wake up tomorrow When you believe ...
最近在抖音上听到一首英文歌曲感觉还挺好听的,歌词大意是“Oh I see you see you see you every time”。据了解,这首歌是歌手Tones and I演唱的歌曲《Dance Monkey》。来一起看看。 抖音Oh I see you see you see you every time什么歌 据了解,这首歌歌名叫《Dance Mo...
Oh I see you see you see you every time这首歌很好听,听这歌词大家肯定也都有点感慨,想必大家都很想知道这到底是什么歌。 Oh I see you see you see you every time歌曲介绍。 歌手:Tones and I Dance Monkey Dance Monkey歌词 Dance Monkey
据了解,王心凌演唱的《第一次爱的人》的英文版叫做《The Day You Went Away》,是由挪威组合M2M演唱的。《The Day You Went Away》这首歌曲收录在M2M的首张专辑《shades of purple》中,这首歌不仅红遍整个挪威以及整个欧洲,在中国也是有很高的知名度。
更多内容请点击:携手抗击疫情,守护人类光明!抗疫MV《Fight as ONE》